tags: gui, editor, vst, c++, cpp, windows, .net framework

Bitwise Gui Editor

A "basic" Vector Graphics drawing tool for:

New Version 1.2 - details


This software is, currently, an "alpha" release and has not been extensively tested.
Save frequently and backup a project file before opening it again.


One Fine Day

A basic "demo" vst whose layout was developed using Bitwise Gui Editor. It renders the layout using the Wisegui Library.


Wisegui library's usage example. It shows how to use the Wisegui Library.

Canvas Roles: Workflow:
  1. Draw controls skins on control canvases.
  2. Draw the view layout on a view canvas.
  3. Add the controls defined above to the view canvas.
  4. Set the controls properties.
  5. Save the project.
  6. Export the project.
  7. Copy the exported files into your C++ project folder and add them to it.
Files created by the exporter
*.pngview and controls skins
bge.hbitmaps identifiers
bgeres.rc2"bitmap to identifier" mappings
ids.hdefinitions for controls id and parameters id
*.h and *.cpp filesheader and source code for each canvas of type: View

Note: The class headers should not be modified if you plan to update the skins and/or the layout. You may modify the source code files, but you don't have to replace them if exporting again.

The exporter will create a subfolder in the same folder that contains the project file. Its name is: [project name]_files, where [project-name] is the name (without extension) you gave to the project when you saved it .

Post-export feature

You can automate the copy of the exported files by creating a batch file. The batch file must be located in the same folder as the project file. Its name is [project name]_post-export.bat. If the exporter finds this file, it runs it.


set SRCDIR= ... Path To editor's project files ...
set DSTDIR= ... Path to cpp project ... 

set file1=MainView.cpp
set file2=OtherView.cpp

copy %SRCDIR%\*.png %DSTDIR%\img
copy %SRCDIR%\*.rc2 %DSTDIR%
copy %SRCDIR%\*.h %DSTDIR%

cd /D %DSTDIR%

if exist %file1% goto noe
copy %SRCDIR%\%file1% %DSTDIR%
echo %file1% copied

if exist %file2% goto noe2
copy %SRCDIR%\%file2% %DSTDIR%
echo %file2% copied

cd /D %SRCDIR%      

Toolbar description

ALT + Q Sets the selection tool's and gradient tool's colors.
ALT + B Sets the main window's background color.
ALT + C Shows the current canvas property list.
CTRL + S Save
CTRL + C Copy
CTRL + V Paste
DELETE Deletes the selected shape

How To Draw

Select a layer in the canvas properties, select a shape in the toolbar, click on the canvas and drag to select a rectangular area. When you release the mouse, the shape is inserted in the area you selected. A Control (used for exporting source code) is initially blank, the Template property gives it its image.


A canvas has 8 layers. Each layer has its own animation. Before opening the animation editor, select the number of frames that the canvas will contain. Once the animation editor is open, select the layer you want to animate. Then set its properties according to the animation you want.

Skins design references:
Knob Control
A knob image contains all the frames required to show its animation. If the frame size is W x H, the size of the image is W x (H * Frames).
The Handle is drawn separately.
The Handle is drawn separately.
The HSwitch image contains as many sub-images as the options are. The OptionsCount property is the number of options.
The VSwitch image contains as many sub-images as the options are. The OptionsCount property is the number of options.
FontSize sets the size of the fonts. Items is the list of items to insert in the list. The items cannot be inserted/removed at runtime.
Button The Button image contains two stacked images, one for the Normal state and one for the Pressed state.
Checkbox The Checkbox image contains two stacked images, one for the Off state and one for the On state.
StateButton The StateButton image contains four stacked images, one for the Normal Off state and one for the Pressed Off state, one for the Normal On state and one for the Pressed On state.
Label FontSize sets the size of the fonts

Wisegui Library

The Wisegui Library is a graphic framework for rendering (testing) gui layouts created by the Bitwise Gui Editor.

Implementing a Vst gui using Wisegui library

(VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH)

    class Gui : public AEffEditor, public Window

The Window class hosts a View derived object. The derived View is provided by the code exported by the Gui Editor and contains the code to create the controls. A Vst creates the gui in the following way:

    View *view = new MyView(this);
    _gui = new Gui(this, GUI_WIDTH, GUI_HEIGHT);

The View has also two methods whose use is optional:

OnLoadcalled when the view is being initialized
OnUpdatecalled to update all its control values.

Implementing a Vst using Wisegui library

The View sends and receive information from the vst through the ControlListener interface:

    class Example : public AudioEffectX, public ControlListener

The vst implements its three methods:

Wrapping the Vst Parameters

The ParamInfo class is used to describe a single vst parameter. You describe the parameter in the constructor:

    ParamInfo(kKnobVolume, CTYPE_DOUBLE, 0, 100, v, "Volume", "")

The arguments are:

Note: The file ids.h defines parameters ids and macros for the constructor of each parameter defined:

    #define P0(v) ParamInfo(kKnobVol, CTYPE_DOUBLE, 0, 100, v, "Volume", "")

ParamInfo Methods:

InitCalled to initialize a parameter, after a program change.
GetNormalValue / SetNormalValueGet and set the normalized parameter value. Useful to talk to the host
GetValue / SetValueGet and set the raw parameter values.

Movie Control   read
Painter Control   read


  Bitwise Gui Editor v1.2

  Bitwise Gui Editor v1.1

  Bitwise Gui Editor

  Wisegui Library